Holding to Truth

holding to truth in love for the building up of the Body of Christ

The Scientific Way to Drink the Water of Life

The scientific way to drink the water of life

As believers in Christ, we need to see the way to drink the water of life. It’s scientific, that is, it can be tested, again and again. By applying the divine principles revealed in the Bible and presented in this post you can enjoy the thirst-quenching of living water in a normal way–every day. In the Gospel of


Speak to Christ the Rock to Drink the Spirit as the Water of Life!

Speak to the Rock, Bid the waters flow, Doubt not the Spirit, Given long ago; Take what He waiteth, Freely to bestow, Drink till its fulness All Thy being know. This chorus from A.B.  Simpson’s (1843-1918) classic hymn has really spoken to me! It rises up in my heart again and again! “Oh, speak to the Rock, bid the


Come and Drink the Living Waters!

Ho! Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters! This cry in Isaiah 55:1 expresses the highest gospel, revealing God’s heart’s desire toward man, that is, that God Himself is the living waters for man to drink, and be filled with in order to express God in His rich, overflowing life. “And a river went forth from
