Holding to Truth

holding to truth in love for the building up of the Body of Christ

How to Receive a Revelation of Christ in You

Have you ever felt that your appreciation for the Lord Jesus was lacking? Even more, have you ever longed for more revelation of Christ?

How to receive a revelation of Christ in you

You may know that you’ve believed in the Lord as your Savior. Yet, at the same time,  you may long for something more subjective, a revelation of Christ within you.

This was my experience. I just wanted Jesus, but I felt that He was still somewhat distant from me. I longed to know Him in a deeper and more subjective way. This kind of longing is really from the Lord.

Why? It’s because God desires to reveal His Son in us. And this revelation of Christ in us is the foundation, starting point, and secret to living the Christian life. In Galatians 1:15-16a Paul said,

“But when it pleased God, who set me apart from my mother’s womb and called me through His grace, to reveal His Son in me.”

So in this post, we’ll consider how we can cooperate with God in order to receive a revelation of His Son in us.

Four steps to receive a revelation of Christ in you

1. Drop your concepts.

First, in order to receive a revelation of Christ, we need to drop our natural concepts.

Let me illustrate with the example of the Lord’s disciple, Peter.

Peter had a very strong concept about what Jesus should and should not do.

The Lord had told His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem and be killed (Matt. 16:21).

Peter took Jesus aside and began to rebuke Him saying, “This shall by no means happen to You!”  What a frustrating concept! He was actually trying to frustrate Jesus from going to the cross to die for us.

After correcting Peter, the Lord went on to tell His disciples,

“If anyone wants to come after Me, let him deny himself…” (v. 24)

 To deny ourselves means  to drop our concepts. Otherwise, we can’t see or follow the Lord Jesus.

It is very helpful to pray,
“Lord, help me to drop every concept that veils me. I want to empty myself of everything  that keeps me from seeing a revelation of You.”

 2. Turn your heart to the Lord.

Second, we need to turn our hearts to the Lord and focus on nothing other than Him.

In 2 Corinthians 3:14, Paul referred to the hardened thoughts of the sons of Israel. Their hearts were veiled at the reading of Old Testament because of their ignorance concerning Christ. But in verse 16 Paul said,

 “But whenever their heart turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.”

 This should be our daily prayer, whenever we come to read the Bible,

 “Lord Jesus, as I come to Your Word, I’m coming to You. I turn my heart to You right now. I want to see You, appreciate You, and contact You in Your living Word.”

3. Take care of your spirit.

 Third, we must take care of the deepest part of our being, our spirit.  That’s because it is in our spirit that the Spirit is shining, revealing Christ in us and speaking to us concerning Christ. The simplest way to take care of our spirit is to call on the Lord and pray to Him. Ephesians 6:18b says,

“…praying at every time in spirit.”

 Especially in the morning, it is good to pray short prayers that stir up your spirit, that fan your spirit into flame (2 Tim. 1:6-7).

Here is a post that presents 10 short morning prayers that will help you to take care of your spirit.

4. Pray-read God’s Word.

Fourth, it’s very good to pray-read God’s Word, especially verses from the Epistles of Paul. That’s because they are especially rich in the revelation of  Christ in us. (I have listed 6 of these verses below).

Here is a post that will give you 12 tips on how to pray-read the Word of God.

A proper practice of pray-reading the Word will cause your spirit to touch the Spirit as the essence of the Scriptures.  In this way you’ll receive more light and revelation of Christ.

By practicing these four steps, you will be able to cooperate with God to receive more revelation of His Son, Jesus Christ,  in you.

Pray-read these 6 verses that reveal Christ in you

Here are six verses from Paul’s epistles that you can pray-read in order to receive a revelation of Christ:

1. Christ revealed in you  “But when it pleased God, who set me apart from my mother’s womb and called me through His grace, to reveal His Son in me” (Gal. 1:15-16a).

2. Christ living in you “It is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me (Gal. 2:20b).

3. Christ being formed in you – My children, with whom I travail again in birth until Christ is formed in you”  (Gal. 4:19).

4. Christ making home in you  “That Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith” (Eph. 3:17a).

5.  Christ being in you, the hope of glory“…Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Col. 1:27b).

6. Christ being all in you “…Christ is all and in all”  (Col. 3:11).

Make this prayer for a revelation of Christ in you your personal prayer right now,

“Father, based on Galatians 1:15-16, I believe that it is Your pleasure to reveal Your Son in me. Now grant me a spirit of wisdom and revelation to see Him as the Christ revealed in me,  living in me, being formed in me,  making home in me, the hope in me, and the One who is all in me.”

If you’ve been helped to by these four steps to receive a revelation of Christ in you, take a moment to confirm this post with a short comment.

 References and Recommended Reading:

About Tom Smith

Hi. My name is Tom Smith. I'm the writer behind Holding to Truth in Love, and I love the Lord Jesus and His life-giving Word. Please feel free to send me an e-mail through the contact page if you have any questions. I hope you'd take a moment to subscribe to the Holding to Truth blog. Then you'll be sure not to miss a post. Thanks!

5 Replies

  1. Mari

    Thanks for sharing this post. I appreciated being reminded that even our concepts become veils that keep us from seeing the Lord & allowing Him to be revealed in us.

  2. mathews

    im greatful for the 4 steps of revelation.

  3. Zenzo Dube

    Thank you so much for this post.it really adds life to my prayers to God…

    1. Tom Smith

      Zenzo, I’m so glad you enjoyed the post on How to receive a revelation of Christ in you. The main thing we need to realize is that today the Lord dwells in every believers spirit (2 Tim. 4:22). So we simply need to contact Him as the Spirit with our human spirit by calling on His name, “Lord Jesus!” and by praying in spirit (Eph. 65:18). Make contracting the Lord your first concern each day–love Him, enjoy Him, absorb Him, be filled with Him. You will not need to try, you’ll simply realize that He is dwelling in your spirit and making home in your heart. Thanks for the comment.

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